Grinding machines & Disk mills
Working principle
The product is drawn through the grinding disk by centrifugal forces, whereby the static grinding disk is attached to the lid (stator) and the rapidly rotating disk is located below in the grinding housing.
The distance between the grinding disks is adjusted by means of the laterally mounted hand-wheel according to the desired granulometry.
The GRANOMAT JP disk mill is designed for the ultrafine grinding of numerous products. It is also described as a ‘dissolving machine’ and can be used for both wet and dry milling. The most varied of products can be produced, depending on the type of disk employed.
- Very precise milling process
- Adjustment of grinding unit during operation
- Wide variety of grinding disks
- Mehlarme Grobzerkleinerung
- Low-noise and low-vibration
- Very easy to clean
- Simple installation
- Available with optional cooling or heating systems
- Food
- Cosmetics
- Chemical industry
- Pharmaceutical industry